The 7th Australian Stream Management Conference finished on Wednesday and I had a wonderful three days of reconnecting with people, sharing ideas and having great conversations.  I was also lucky enough to be asked to give a keynote presentation on the Human Impact of Managing for Extremes which I hope to be getting on to You Tube, as a number of people said how much they enjoyed it.

One of the most thought provoking parts of the presentation was about our need as human beings to have a central purpose in our lives.  Yet,  in the hurly burly of daily life we talk about WHAT we do and HOW we do it, and get more and more removed from WHY we do what we do.

Simon Sinek is a pin up of mine on this topic and the link to a fabulous presentation he gives in the TED talk series is provided here for you to follow.  I really encourage you to grab a coffee (what else!) and take the time to watch what he has to say.  Start with WHY

I revisit this video time and time again as I find it helps me focus on what I am really here to do.  Let us know what you think, and if you have watched any other inspirational speakers send me the links and we can pass them on to others.
