As I drift back through the years and think about my fishing in the Murrumbidgee, I can only say that it may not have been heaven, but it was next door. — Noel Denson, Tumut
We are thrilled to be able to link you to the new True Tales of the Trout Cod website and publications. Our team has been working on this project for the past nine months and we are delighted with what we have been able to develop.
Few people today can envisage the bountiful fish life that once existed throughout Australia’s Murray–Darling Basin. To get a true picture we have to look to the past, and Will Trueman has done just that with “True Tales of the Trout Cod”. This amazing collection of family stories and accounts of fish in different regions of the Basin, is combined with journal entries of notable explorers and settlers, rare and obscure historical references, newspaper articles and photographs from local families.
“True Tales” is an invaluable piece of work that provides a greater understanding of the fish and our rivers in the past, and the changes since European settlement.
Individual river histories have been developed into booklets for the Murrumbidgee, Goulburn, Lachlan, Mitta Mitta, Upper Murray and Lower Murray. These booklets can be freely downloaded or hard copies ordered from the MDBA. There are also twelve videos featuring Will talking about each of the different river histories, as well as stories about Aboriginal fish management and what Will believes are the opportunities and challenges for MDB communities, both human and ecological.
We hope you enjoy this collection of material. We have created a range of different communication products to appeal to different audiences. Please share them widely, as the knowledge Will gives so freely will become enriched with the insights and experiences of others.
If you are coming to the 6th Australian Stream Management Conference please drop in and see us at our display stand as we will have all the products from the project freely available.
Siwan, Nerida, Richard, Vikki, Will, Melissa, Phil, Heleena and Allison