Support and funding for the reinvigoration of the NRM Navigator, NRM Evidence Bases and River Rap Publication
Oh to have a large amount of funding to enable us to reinvigorate great knowledge sharing products like the NRM Navigator, NRM e-Base (both developed through the former Knowledge for Regional NRM Program) and a new River Rap (based on the old National Riparian Lands R&D Program RipRap) publication. We would welcome any ideas on how we can secure funding for these products as we are finding that most funding ‘buckets’ tend not to cover maintaining and building relationships and networks, or supporting ongoing resources for science and research knowledge sharing infrastructure.
If we could get these products back out and doing what they do best – sharing knowledge, fostering relationships and building networks, the ARRC could have a secure future. If you have any input, ideas on how we can make this happen please get in touch with us. You might also like to think about sponsoring the first edition of River Rap which could feature work you and your organisations are doing.
Siwan and Nerida