It is with a great sense of disappointment that we have made the decision to cancel the Sharing Water Knowledge Forum due to be held in Albury at the end of this month. The flooding in Queensland and in parts of the Murray-Darling Basin, combined with the release of the Guide to the Basin Plan, has meant that two of our main sponsors, the CSIRO and MDBA, have been unable to spend sufficient time on planning and organising their workshop sessions. As a result, we feel we have no alternative but to cancel, as we wanted this event to be brilliant, not ‘ho hum’. We hope to offer some of these sessions as stand-alone workshops or as part of other events as opportunities arise. The Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Flows, and Science Communication and Storytelling were well supported by those who registered, so these might be the first two we re-examine and offer in another format. At this stage we have no dates and we need a bit of time to regroup. Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies,
Siwan and Nerida