I have been having a wonderful week of posting out RipRap and hearing back from people saying they love the new format, the great stories and the positive feelings it engenders about why we do what we do in natural resources management. What a privilege I have been given by the Native Fish Program at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to get this ‘Bringing Back Native Fish’ edition out – thank you to Jason, Christine, Ian, Heleena, Janet and all the authors who wrote such great articles.
If you think RipRap is worth sharing then please tweet, facebook, link-in and get details up on your websites about the magazine so that more people can learn about the fabulous work we are doing. Local media are always looking for stories, so send them the link to the pdf with your personal message and lets see what happens.
To view the pdf of RipRap follow this link. To go straight to individual articles click here.
I am already planning the next edition of RipRap which will be called “Restoring Rivers and Wetlands to life” and will feature environmental water allocation and flows. If you and your organisation are interested in sponsoring a few pages and featuring your work in this edition please get in touch, I plan to have the edition out in February 2013.
Siwan 🙂