Written by:
Kirstie Fryirs, Gary Brierley and Simon Mould.
Cover image credit: Google.

Australian rivers are different to those in other parts of the world. Our ancient land mass – subject to droughts and flooding rains, cared for and lived with for tens of thousands of years – has produced globally distinctive landscapes and ecosystems that can’t be found anywhere else.
Within Australia, there is an enormous diversity of rivers. The images below are just a few examples, demonstrating the range of forms and features that make up rivers on this continent. This diversity is what makes each river so special and worth valuing.
River diversity and geomorphology
One way of understanding and articulating the value of river diversity is to use geomorphology – the study of earth surface forms and processes. Geomorphologically-informed understandings can work with other river knowledges to help us understand why our rivers are diverse and how we can best care for the things that make our rivers different and valuable.
A geomorphologically-informed understanding of river diversity goes beyond describing difference. It also sets out to explain difference in terms of the processes that drive rivers as dynamic, living systems, and the catchment-scale relationships that produce particular rivers in particular places. It is an observational and interpretative science, grounded in the reality of how rivers are now and how they might be in the future.
To help us understand and articulate the things that we value in a river system, we need a coherent information base – one that relates multiple ways of seeing and knowing rivers with scientifically-informed insights.
The River Styles Framework
The River Styles Framework provides an approach for the geomorphic analysis of river systems. The Framework blends field-based insights with data generated using emerging technologies such as satellite imagery to interpret a river’s character, processes and behaviour (functionality), its condition (integrity), the potential for the river to recover (improve in condition) and to translate this information into a strategic, multi-scalar agenda for river management (e.g. from landform to reach to catchment to region).
The four stages of the River Styles Framework build upon each other (they scaffold), providing a consistent set of data for understanding rivers from a geomorphological perspective. The River Styles Framework can be applied to any river system and is open-ended. It does not try to force rivers to fit into pre-existing categories or classes. Instead, it seeks to understand rivers on their own terms.

The River Styles Framework is a learning tool for generating a coherent information base to inform river management. Such information is required for developing conservation and rehabilitation plans that work with the river and respect the inherent diversity of rivers in the landscape.
At the reach scale, we can…
- Rapidly integrate geomorphology into property management plans to make smart decisions about any rehabilitation measures that might be needed
- Identify habitat types based on geomorphic character, to help protect valuable species
At the sub-catchment and catchment scales, we can…
- Identify and assess threatening processes (before they become a problem)
- Create a vision for what is realistically achievable in a catchment action plan
- Justify and verify where low- or high-cost interventions are most likely to be (in)effective
At the state/territory scale, we can…
- Coordinate whole-of-government programs using a consistent information base
- Transfer understanding from one place to another (and also know when it’s not appropriate to do so)
- Prioritise managment activities to minimise waste and achieve the best environmental outcome and return on investment
To date, the River Styles Framework has been used on six continents for a range of purposes and in some very different landscapes. Some particularly interesting uses include:
- Using information on river character and behaviour to map and predict habitat distributions for threatened fish species (Columbia Habitat and Monitoring Program (CHaMP), USA; NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries)
- Using river condition data to support State of the Environment Reporting via the NSW Government’s River Condition Index (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment – Water)
- Using river character and behaviour, condition, recovery potential and prioritisation information to plan river management at the catchment scale (NSW Catchment Management Authorities; VIC Catchment Management Authorities).
Learn more…
If you would like to learn more about applications of the River Styles Framework to support river management, we offer professional short courses. The next course will be held in Goulburn, NSW in May 2020. Registrations are now open. For more information on the River Styles Framework or the professional short course, please visit