Sharing what we learn is key to the Rivers of Carbon approach. For each of our projects we have brochures that provide an overview of why we are working with landholders in that region, what we are trying to achieve, how we are going about our work and where you can go for more information. We also have a Technical Guideline providing the science behind our work, as well as reports from our monitoring activities and two fabulous editions of RipRap featuring Rivers of Carbon projects across Australia. The Stream Condition Checklist and Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition provide you with information about what a healthy riparian zone looks like and might be useful for you to take when wandering along your river to see what you might be able to do to protect or restore condition.
Most recently we have developed two new fact sheets, one focusing on the species we use to revegetate riparian areas in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, and the other sharing what we know about Buffers, Sponges and Moderators – swampy meadows and wetlands.
Our resource pack contains:
What is a river of carbon? (Technical Guide)
Stream Condition Checklist
Rivers of Carbon – Rivers of Life
Habitat Makes Fish Happen
Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition
Revegetation Species List
Swampy Meadows and Wetlands Fact Sheet
Headcut Fact Sheet
Download the resource pack.
This resource pack is free but we rely on donations to keep sharing knowledge. Please click on the button below to download the pack, and we encourage you to donate as much or as little as you are able to. Your contribution gives us fuel to build future resources for you and others alike.