Episode 19:
Siwan and Andy sit down with Associate Professor Angus Webb to chat about the recent floods in the Goulburn River system in Victoria and what they mean for the ecology of the system. Angus works for the Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources Division of the University of Melbourne, and is the lead researcher for the Flow – Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program for the lower Goulburn River in Victoria, which is one of the many rivers that has experienced flooding this year. Angus is an ecologist, specialising in freshwater systems and working with environmental flows. Angus has a particular interest in how we can continue to improve the ways we manage our river systems.

Angus Webb

Andy Lowes
Siwan and Andy sit down with Associate Professor Angus Webb to chat about the recent floods in the Goulburn River system in Victoria and what they mean for the ecology of the system. Angus works for the Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources Division of the University of Melbourne, and is the lead researcher for the Flow – Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program for the lower Goulburn River in Victoria, which is one of the many rivers that has experienced flooding this year. Angus is an ecologist, specialising in freshwater systems and working with environmental flows. Angus has a particular interest in how we can continue to improve the ways we manage our river systems.
This episode has been sponsored by the Goulburn-Broken Catchment Management Authority and Flow-MER Program

Environmental flows in the Lower Goulburn river
The Flow-MER Program in the Lower Goulburn River is conducting monitoring and research to understand how the environment of the river is responding to environmental and consumptive water flows. We are monitoring at 19 sites spread across 220 km of the river.