On 1 February I joined my sister Ann Russell at the opening exhibition and Award Ceremony for the WetlandCare Australia National Art and Photography Competition at the CSIRO Discovery Centre here in Canberra. Ann was awarded 1st Prize in the Open Art section for Melaleuca Spirit.
The picture below shows Ann with Melaleuca Spirit and Noel Kesby, General Manager Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (CMA) who presented the award. Noel was representing NSW Catchment Management Authorities which sponsored the Open Art category.
Hundreds of entries were received in this year’s competition, the 4th annual. Winners spoke of their pleasure at being able to contribute artwork for the benefit of the environment. The winning art and photography is outstanding – look out for the exhibition which will tour Australia during the year, and you can also view an on-line gallery from March 2011.
Ann has also just been exhibiting artwork at a gallery in London.