The ARRC is proud to be a part of Triple Trickle: A Journey Into Canberra’s Water Catchments,  a curiously engaging, informative and entertaining film. Filmmaker/presenter Richard Snashall undertakes a solo journey into Canberra’s three water supply catchments, searching out where the Cotter, Queanbeyan and Murrumbidgee Rivers begin, just as trickles, and then exploring the paths they follow before reaching the point of storage in the various reservoirs.

Triple Trickle features a range of fascinating interviewees along the way, and of course the landscapes that form these catchments are nothing short of spectacular, showcasing some of south-eastern New South Wales and ACT’s most stunning mountain and river country.  The key subjects live near, farm, work with, play or just have some connection to these rivers. It is through these characters sharing of themselves that we learn about the catchments and gain a greater appreciation for where our water begins and how we must look after it. In its course Triple Trickle touches on many of the challenges we all face in maintaining and caring for rivers in an age of climate uncertainty.

This project was funded by an ACTEW Water Source Water Protection Program Community Grant and will be distributed to all schools in the ACT and region. For further details visit or contact Richard at

Watch the Triple Trickle trailer here.