The Fish in Wetlands Decision Support Tool (FWDST) has been developed to enable managers to make informed decisions regarding timing, duration and depth of inundation and method of water delivery to maximise benefits to native fish communities in river-floodplain ecosystems.  Researchers from MDFRC hope that predictions of fish responses will help inform both the prioritisation of wetland watering actions and decisions about the timing, magnitude and delivery of water to wetlands.

Funded by the National Water Commission, the FWDST consists of four species-specific Bayesian network models (Common Carp, Golden Perch, Carp Gudgeon and Australian Smelt) and these can now be downloaded from the MDFRC website

In addition to these models, a video has been produced which provides an insight into the project’s background, objectives and outcomes with a particular focus on the establishment of a demonstration wetland – Coonancoocabil Lagoon.   Watch video here.

Leanne Wheaton, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre (from Basin Links newsletter)