In 2009, the National Water Commission (NWC) funded the establishment of a Community of Practice for Environmental Water Managers, and  supported the group’s  activities for the first two years. After this, the Community’s future relied on members interest in retaining the group, and it becoming self-sustaining.  In a recent member survey, over 85% of respondents saw value and benefit in remaining a member of the Community. The Australian Water Association and NWC responded to this support by collaborating to form the Environmental Water Management Specialist Network.

You are invited to join this Network and:

  • Be part of a professionally recognised group working in environmental water management
  • Have opportunities to network and build contacts with like minded water professionals
  • Learn from others and share experiences
  • Receive and contribute to regular e-newsletter and access an interactive website
  • Propose professional development activities relevant to your practice
  • Participate in upcoming events such as:  Riversymposium Workshop: Does Science really matter in Environmental Water Management?

The network will be one of 16 AWA national networks that provide the opportunity for water professionals to come together to discuss best practice and latest developments, build relationships and access professional development.

In an exclusive offer until 30 September, 2011 Members of the Community of Practice can join the Environmental Water Management Specialist Network for only $40 (inc gst). This fee is for the first year and is tax deductible.  Join up by following this link and once registered select the “Environmental Water Managers” Member Type/Level.  For more information visit website for the community of practice .  As a member of the Steering Committee for the Community of Practice I encourage you to sign up and be part of this great initiative.
