Last week I attended a three day positive psychology course run by Dr Timothy Sharp from The Happiness Institute.  Now before you think I am going all ‘touchy and feely’ I want to reassure you that positive psychology is an academic discipline that focuses on what makes people ‘happy’, rather than the traditional approach of trying to ‘fix’ people who are sad.  At the ARRC we believe people are valuable natural resources, so this course was a great way for me to tap back into the latest thinking on how we can create workplaces and assist individuals to feel happy in the work they do.

Over the next few months I will be developing some new training materials and ideas about how we can use Dr Sharp’s research to help, support and celebrate people working in NRM.  In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more, click here to find out about how to C.H.O.O.S.E. Happiness, go to The Happiness Institute website, and stay tuned to the ARRC for opportunities to apply these teachings in your professional and personal life.
