The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network has released the new TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP) – datasets include freshwater and estuarine systems, as well as plants, animals, terrestrial, coasts etc.. It is a fabulous resource and one well worth adding to your list of ‘favourites’.
For the first time, the TDDP allows users to search for and explore data generated by a wide range of ecosystem disciplines, from a single point of entry. Metadata is regularly harvested from all across TERN into the TDDP, enabling it to play a novel integrative role for Australian ecosystem science. The portal supports both text and map-based searches, and users can search for metadata records based on regional classifications including states/territories, the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA), natural resource management zones and climate zones. Once suitable metadata is located users are directed to the data set to download from the relevant TERN Facility portal. (TERN Director Tim Clancy)
To take a look at the TERN Data Discovery Portal follow this link.