The Sydney Metropolitan CMA’s 2012 Community Forum was a great success thanks to Siwan’s inspiring key note address “Connections that Count: People, Place and Passion” and her work in helping plan and facilitate the event. The event was attended by 90 environmental volunteers from across the whole Sydney region who enthusiastically participated in the day. Siwan worked closely with our Forum planning team for several months to develop an integrated Forum program.
Her presentation set the scene for two interactive sessions that engaged 90 members of the community in priority setting, followed by the groups being facilitated to develop aspirational stories of action. Prior to the Forum Siwan also ran a short session for CMA staff with tips on how to facilitate groups and what to expect from the process. Feedback from volunteer participants was enthusiastic:
“Well organised and enjoyable Forum. especially Siwan’s input.”
“I particularly enjoyed the different slant put forward by Dr Lovett.”
”We worked hard!!! But it was excellent”
“This year was as good as could be”.
Nicola Dixon, Judy Christie and Jeanie Muspratt
I am so pleased that this event was such a success. The SMCMA team gave a lot of thought to how the day could be run to meet the needs of the volunteers and engage them in the development of the new Sydney Metropolitan Region Catchment Action Plan. It was a pleasure to be involved, and if you are planning an event with your local community I am sure Judy, Nicola and Jeanie would be happy to share their experiences. Siwan