The National Water Commission is busy sharing the knowledge derived from their research programs. Here are six reports released late last year that you may be interested in:
Water for Australia’s Arid Zone – Summarises the main findings from investigations at five regional demonstration sites and outlines the process involved in developing the new thematic palaeovalley map of arid and semi-arid Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory.
National-scale vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion – Identifies several opportunities to progress and develop effective resource management and protection of Australia’s coastal aquifers through additional monitoring, research, stakeholder education and communication.
Recognising the broader benefits of aquatic systems in water planning: an ecosystem services approach – Encourages a more comprehensive, systematic and transparent consideration of the multiple benefits of aquatic systems in water planning.
Three groundwater reports—the final publications in the Waterlines series—illustrated that given their value and criticality, our groundwater resources warrant greater investment in monitoring and management to support sustainable management:
- An assessment of groundwater management and monitoring costs in Australia – Assesses existing groundwater monitoring infrastructure in terms of age, technology, suitability of coverage, and baseline cost.
- Assessing the value of groundwater – Sets out to improve knowledge of the value of groundwater and to provide a tool to factor in economic considerations when making decisions about resourcing and managing a groundwater resource.
- Cost recovery for groundwater planning and management in Australia – Benchmarks current approaches to cost recovery for groundwater planning and management activities in Australia.